
Sleep plays an important role in the body’s biological processes and mental faculties (e.g. learning, memory). Not getting enough sleep can have a profound impact on concentration, alertness, memory, motivation, and decision-making skills. Sleep deprivation is also associated with greater anxiety, depression, and reduced quality of life. Research shows that sleep disorders are common in coeliac disease, both pre-diagnosis and for those on the gluten-free diet. The amount of sleep we need depends on our age.

Most adults will need anywhere between 7 and 9 hours’ of sleep every night.


See below for some tips for healthy sleeping habits (commonly called sleep hygiene):


  • Going to bed and waking at the same time each day can
  • Meditation or relaxation techniques before going to bed
  • Not napping during the day to avoid difficulty sleeping at night (and potentially disrupting your sleep schedule)
  • Exercise regularly, but not excessively before sleep
  • Avoiding stimulants (e.g. caffeine, nicotine) or alcohol which, although it is a depressant, affects the quality of sleep
  • Making sure your sleeping space isn’t too hot, and is free of light and noise

Advice for teens